Flower Essences in Skin Care
Flower Essences for Skin Care
Specialist flower essences for use in skin healing and skincare
What are Flower Essences Flower essences are vibrational medicine. Each plant has its specific essence or spirit that imparts a particular aura, life force or vibrational energy. Flower essences contain the energetic vibration of the plant, infused in water and preserved with alcohol. (Note: There are other energies than from flowers. Vibrational Essences or Vibrational Medicine are therefore the umbrella names for all Essences or Remedies made from different kinds of energy.) How do Flower Essences work Flower essences contain the healing power of nature. The essences have a positive effect on the body, emotions and mind. They address more the psychological root of the symptoms rather than the physical symptoms themselves. Thus two individuals with the same symptoms of, say, an ulcer do not necessarily get the same essences if the root of the problem is different. Lack of rest, stress at work, foods like coffee and sugar, wrong life-style, etc. can often constrict the natural flow of energy in the body. These blockages in the energy systems of the body can cause imbalances and weaken it to the point of causing physical symptoms. A lack of energy in some parts of the body can result in tensions in the nervous system or the digestive system, for example, and the organs of these systems then do not get the energy they need to function correctly. Our body has an innate inner healing power and when we give it the space it needs it can do amazing things. Flower essences help us in releasing the stuck energy and thereby creating the conditions for the body to heal itself. Old and new shocks or traumas, communication problems, emotional and mental stress, negative attitudes, etc. tend to remain as energy blocks in the emotions and mind, leading to destructive feelings and thinking. If they are not brought up to the surface and dealt with, those blockages often manifest in the form of underlying, or conscious, anger, anxiety, depression, fear, grief, insecurity, insomnia, loneliness, worries, etc. Flower essences help us to bring all of this up to the surface and give us the power to turn severe emotional wounds and unwanted thought patterns into balance, peace, strength and understanding. For whom are Flower Essences Flower essences are for all. It is quite impossible for them to have a negative effect. They do not heal or fix one part of us at the expense of another. It is also impossible for you to choose “the wrong” flower essence, because if you are not in need of its effect it will simply flow through you without you sensing any effect at all. A possible, and short lived, side effect can be experienced in that we may sense an emotion while it is being worked and released. Since flower essences are made from the essence or vibration of the plant, and not its substance or corporeal body, it is completely safe for someone who may have an allergy to certain plants to use flower essences, as there is nothing there that could cause an allergic reaction. Flower essences are of invaluable help and support to anyone who is receiving therapy of any kind.
The flower essences on this page comprise a small set of specialist essences for “skin care” type applications. They can be used on their own, mixed with other essences, or combined with other ingredients like essential oils or herbs into blended skin-care products. These essences work at the energetic level, supporting the cells and tissues of the skin in their efficient working. The can be used topically on the skin, or they can (like all flower essences) be taken internally, either individually or combined in blends.
Beautiful Skin Essence:
This mix was developed for a practitioner in Hollywood whose high profile clients need beautiful skin. We now offer it to you with kudos from many well-known faces. People love this essence! Ageratum Lelani Blue, Aloe Ciliaris, Avocado, Banana, Bee Balm, Bloodroot, Capeweed, Cucumber, Dandelion, Date Palm, Ethereal Fluidium Super Glue, The Fairy Rose, Flow Free, Frontenac Rose, Healthy Coat, Hepatica, Hellebore, Jewelweed, Mallow, Maple, Rhubarb, Rosemary, Outburst, Sarah Van Fleet Rose, Sago Palm, Sweet Olive, Vitex Healthy Skin Balance Multiple Flowers An essence for assisting the skin to have a healthy balance between its many multiple layers and its many functions, all working in harmony with each other, and for the overall health and balance of the body. It is important that the skin, being the body's largest organ, is in a condition of optimum balance and health. Healing Damaged Skin Hemp Palm A tree essence for helping damaged skin to heal. For all types of damage, including rough skin, wounds, punctures, etc. The picture of this tree, with a large piece of the bark hanging off, and with the bark being really rough and hairy, carries the energy of this essence really well. Healthy Skin Nutrient Supply Cornus florida “Stokes Pink” A flower essence that assists the body in the healthy maintenance of the blood vessels (ie. the capillaries) and the lymphatic vessels that supply the skin with nutrients and drain the waste products from the skin. In order to have really healthy skin, it is vital that these capillaries, and small lymphatic vessels, be in optimum condition. Inner Beauty Magnolia stellata, behind tree A flower essence for helping to allow a person's “inner beauty” to shine forth from the inside to the outside, to be seen in the physical body. Just as this beautiful bush was hiding behind a tree, unnoticed by most people who walked past, so too do many people hide their “true beauty” away from sight. This essence is for helping such people to make the shift in consciousness that is needed for them to allow their hidden beauty to manifest itself into their body and be seen by the world. Skin Hydration Peltiphyllum peltatum A flower essence for helping the skin to have a healthy hydration balance. For various reasons, the skin sometimes becomes dried out, lacking in water, which affects the health of the skin. This essence is for helping the body to resolve the issues that are causing the skin dehydration to happen. This plant likes to grow close to water, as this one is. Sebum Balance Anna Maria de Montravel Rose A flower essence for helping the skin to maintain a healthy balance in the sebum, which is the oil of the skin. In order for the skin to be not too oily or not too dry, the sebum has to be in a state of health and balance, and this essences helps in this. Cooling Over-heated skin Pink Magnolia and Red Azalea A flower essence for helping the skin to recover from a state of being over-exposed to heat and drying out. The cause of this can be sunburn or windburn, and drying out from the effects of this. The light-colored magnolia in front of the dark red azalea symbolizes the effect of a light, cold-colored energy bringing relief to the hot red energy of the azalea. Aged Skin Canary Date Palm A tree essence for helping “aged” skin to remain healthy, and to regain some of the attributes of younger skin. Old skin sometimes becomes stiff, thick, or lumpy, just like the bark of this tree is thick and lumpy. This essence is for helping this type of skin to be healthy, despite its age. Skin Aging Issues Prarienacht Monarda This variety of monarda flower essence is for helping a person deal with the various issues associated with their skin becoming “aged”. As one grows older, various issues arise that are associated with the aging process, among them being the gradual aging of the skin, and with one's physical features. This essence is for helping the person to resolve these issues. “Natural Botox” Cornus florida “Cloud Nine” A flower essence for helping the skin, and the underlying tissues below the skin, to be in a healthy state and looking good, without the need for the type of “artificial enhancement” that is typified by the use of botox treatment. “Natural is almost always best”, and treatments like botox often eventually create more problems than they solve. This essence is for helping the body tissues to be in their optimum state without the perceived need for artificial enhancement. The Skin Cellular Essence Magnolia stellata A flower essence for helping the cells of the skin to maintain a healthy balance in all the many complex biochemical and electromagnetic interactions that they continuously perform. A cell is an enormously complex mechanism, and the cells of the skin are no exception. This essence helps the skin cells to maintain optimum harmony and balance. The Skin Essence Violet Flower (name unknown) A flower essence for helping the skin, in an overall, holistic way. Unlike the other skin assistance essences, this essence is a more “generalist” essence, rather than a specialist essence, for helping the skin to maintain a healthy range of functions and balance in a general way.